Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Creative Outlet For Kids

Check out:

Are you looking for an online creative outlet for your kids? Then you should check out free multimedia tools offered by Creaza. This is a social website that lets your kids work on various multimedia creations like cartoons, movies, audio mixes, and mind-maps.

free multimedia tools

Monday, August 31, 2009

The Ultimate COllection of Resources and Tutorials for Designers and Web Developers

Resources for People Interested in Photography - from Beginner to Advanced

50 Free Resources That Will Improve Your Photography Skills

Photography is a wonderful hobby enjoyed by lots of people all over the world. It’s a very enjoyable passtime, but also a very technical one. There’s a bewildering range of cameras, lenses and accessories, and photographers also have to get to grips with computers and image editing software packages. It can get very confusing, especially for newcomers to the hobby, and there always seems to be something to new to learn, even for experienced photographers.

With this in mind we’ve put together a list of over 50 free resources that will be useful to anyone involved in photography. We’ve compiled a list of the best and most comprehensive websites that will help you get the most out of your photography equipment. You’ll find a gold mine of articles on equipment and technique, plus advice from some of the most active and well-known professional photographers practising today.

Friday, August 28, 2009

ColorSuckr: Extract Color Schemes From Images

Heads up designers - with this tool not only can you extract color schemes from the photos on your computer, you can add the firefox plugin to rock your color themes throughout the web!


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via by srikanth on 8/25/09

ColorSuckr is an online resource which enables you to easily extract colors from images and then generate color schemes for use in your artwork, designs and elsewhere.

To get started, just enter a direct image URL and click on 'Get Colours' button. The site will then present extracted colors along with the hex code, web safe hash code etc., You can move the color results around the page and view the color schemes for each extracted color, download schemes as Adobe .ASE swatch file or share by forwarding a link.

extract color scheme from image

The application is also available as Firefox addon that makes color extraction even easier. Once installed, just right-click any image on the web to extract the 12 most common colors from it.


  • Easily extract colors from photos and create color schemes.
  • View results in XML, RSS and JSON formats.
  • Download schemes as Adobe .ASE swatch file.
  • Firefox addon that makes color extraction even easier provided.
  • Provides a permanent link to the color scheme.
  • Option to switch between the dark/light backgrounds.
  • Free, no sign up required.
  • Similar web tools: Pic2Color, Color Palette Generator and Color Combos.

Check out ColorSuckr @ (by Srikanth AD from Techonaut)

ColorSuckr: Extract Color Schemes From Images

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