Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Scrapplet: Worth Playing With

Check this out... you can create your own mash-ups and more... I can't explain the flexability of this without writing a short book - yes, their are that many features.

Let's see if there's a video on youtube. Here's a short example of making a beautiful website mash-up in 30 seconds:

Star Wars - 30 second mashup

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Vlingo - The Future of Phoning.

I have said that the future of phoning will be using voice to do everything from search the internet to calling people to writing blogs. Well, Vlingo - a free download for iPhone - is making this a reality. Check it out in the video below.

vlingo provides voice recognition for mobile applications and unlocks pent-up demand for mobile data services held hostage by 12 tiny keys.

Introducing vlingo: A Breakthrough in Voice-Powered In

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Social Aggregator - - a real winner?


There are a number of social networks all demanding our attention. It's nuts to have to keep up with it all - and when you don't keep track you feel like you are neglecting starving… um… like your neglecting something you shouldn't be, like your lovely chained up dog in the backyard, only this dog is wild, with more IM's and mail and stuff. From MySpace to Facebook to YouTube and on and on and on… it seems there is no way to keep your profiles and friends and networking activities organized without having to spend unhealthy amounts of time on each social network you contribute to. It's like our pets keep multiplying at rates that cause even the most dedicated pet-lover looking for the… no, don't say it… the pound! Yeah - it's a serious problem. Check out - click on the pic or link below. - Social Aggregator - All your friends in just one place.
Don't have an account on these social sites? Try browsing through! About Us| Press| Terms of Use|Privacy Policy|Help|Contact.

Matthew Armstrong,
Web Developer, Youth Activist, and Friend


Really... check this out... you still have to pay the associated state fees... but this is still an awesome deal. Want to start a business... consider this:

Incorporate Online, Incorporation Services, LLC, Trademark |

Friday, November 14, 2008

Twingr Empowers Your Own Microblogging Community

Make your own twitter..... Or if you don't use twitter, make your own microblogging community. Oh yeah, it's free.

I can see the use of this for personal groups, associations, and organizations.... talk about keeping things easy and simple - maybe too simple for some - twingr could help keep everyone on the same page in a format we already use.

Check the review at mashable here:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Fotoflexer: web-based image editing keeps getting better.

I've used several online image editors but I have to tell you why I really like this tool. You can use layers and cut people out of backgrounds and more... which are really some advanced features, yet makes it easy.

FotoFlexer Scissors

FotoFlexer Smart Resize Demo
FotoFlexer brings advanced seam carving to everyone with Smart Resize. Cut people out of images and resize photos with no distortion. It's just one o...

FotoFlexer - The world's most advanced online photo editor
FotoFlexer is the most powerful online photo editor in existence. It can remove blemishes, change skin/hair color, morph photos and more! 100% free.

Matthew Armstrong,
Web Developer, Youth Activist, and Friend

Monday, October 6, 2008

Free Online Photo Editors

Here's a resource for online photo editing. These web apps keep getting better and better. This list is one of the best I've come across with great links. 30 + Free Online-Based Image Editors - Web-based Photoshop Express Alternatives for Picture Editing

One of my personal favorites is FotoFlexer. Picnik is well supported by a number of other media sites and keeps getting better and better.

I am for Hire:

This is my portfolio site (in process)... I am a webdeveloper, and graphic designer that is currently taking new clients.
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Friday, October 3, 2008

Freebies | You the Designer

Freebies | You the Designer

This is an awesome site for web design and really anything related to graphic design in General.