Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Social Aggregator - Power.com - a real winner?


There are a number of social networks all demanding our attention. It's nuts to have to keep up with it all - and when you don't keep track you feel like you are neglecting starving… um… like your neglecting something you shouldn't be, like your lovely chained up dog in the backyard, only this dog is wild, with more IM's and mail and stuff. From MySpace to Facebook to YouTube and on and on and on… it seems there is no way to keep your profiles and friends and networking activities organized without having to spend unhealthy amounts of time on each social network you contribute to. It's like our pets keep multiplying at rates that cause even the most dedicated pet-lover looking for the… no, don't say it… the pound! Yeah - it's a serious problem. Check out power.com - click on the pic or link below.

Power.com - Social Aggregator

Power.com - All your friends in just one place.
Don't have an account on these social sites? Try browsing through Power.com! About Us| Press| Terms of Use|Privacy Policy|Help|Contact.

Matthew Armstrong,
Web Developer, Youth Activist, and Friend

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